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S %%lead __tare of Owls Technology__


We are full stack developers that create custom applications. 

Our current customers include:

* __Companies that need data movement and data massaging apps to help their workflow.
* __Individuals with an idea that they want to be programmed.

Our apps are making a difference:
* __See FundEye on [TecMsaada.plus|http://tecmsaada.plus] for one of our apps that is helping organizations and  individuals manage money and making a difference in their lives.

We also create our own apps including:
* __Vivid4 a DevOps tool which is currently in the testing stage. Vivid4 will enable a company to obtain system requirements including FDA approval.
* __QRorder.owls.plus for restaurants. More info [here|QRorder].

Thank you for your interest. 

Dr. Petrillo\\

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