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S %%lead __tare of Owls Technology__



!!! Welcome to Creative
[{Image src='Owls/owls.png' align='center'}]\\
We are full stack developers that create custom applications. 

Our current customers include:

* __Companies that need data movement and data massaging apps to help their workflow.
* __Individuals with an idea that want programmed. 

Our apps are making a difference:
* __See FundEye on [TecMsaada.plus|http://tecmsaada.plus] for one of our apps that is helping organizations and individuals manage the money and making a difference in their lives. 

We also create our own apps including:
* __QRorder.owls.plus is a restuarant software that provides QR codes to menus so the user can order their food. This is currently being beta tested with selected restuarants. 
* We have a planning app in the testing stage which we hope to have available by Fall 2025. 

If desired, the apps we develop can receive payments during checkout.

Thank you for your interest. 

Dr. Petrillo\\