[{ALLOW view Authenticated}] [{ALLOW edit Editors}] %%text-success %%dropcaps C %%lead __ustomized CSS__ /% /% __CSS we've added.__ /% ---- We have placed our CSS additions on this page rather than in [LeftMenu][1] and then have included it on the LeftMenu with: {{{ %%add-css [CustomizedCSS] /% }}} This allows us to document what we have done. [{TableOfContents}] !!!Owls' Colors * #74b63d is owls' green !!! Site Logo [{Image src='CustomizedCSS/owls.png' }] {{{ %%add-css /* hide the default jspwiki logo */ a.logo { background:transparent; border:none; text-indent:-99em; } a.logo b:before { content:""; } /% }}} %%add-css /* hide the default jspwiki logo */ a.logo { background:transparent; border:none; text-indent:-99em; } a.logo b:before { content:""; } /% {{{ %%add-css /* put the clean-blue logo, attached to this page */ a.logo { background: url([owls.png]); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 60px; width: 120px; /* add a fancy button like effect NOT USED box-shadow:0 0 .25em white; border-radius:2em; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.15); */ } /% }}} %%add-css /* put the logo, attached to this page */ a.logo { background: url([owls.png]); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 60px; width: 120px; /* add a fancy button like effect box-shadow:0 0 .25em white; border-radius:2em; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.15); */ } /% !!! Roll Box Left - {{{%%rollboxleft}}} %%rollboxleft %%center %%lead __Rock N Roll /% /% /% {{{ %%add-css /* add a new %~%rollboxleft style */ .rollboxleft { display:block; background: #5c95e0aa; width:50%; padding:1em; transition: all .2s ease-in-out; } .rollboxleft:hover { transform: scale(1.5) rotate(-30deg); } /* change existing style of header & footer */ .header, .footer { background-image:url([Textures/dotted-dark-pink-canvas-1200x1093.jpg]); } /% }}} %%add-css /* add a new %~%rollboxleft style */ .rollboxleft { display:block; background: #5c95e0aa; width:50%; padding:1em; transition: all .2s ease-in-out; } .rollboxleft:hover { transform: scale(1.5) rotate(-30deg); } /* change existing style of header & footer */ .header, .footer { background-image:url([Textures/dotted-dark-pink-canvas-1200x1093.jpg]); } /% !!! Roll Box Right - {{{%%rollboxright}}} %%error Error: This rollboxright does not work on other pages. We need to look into this so we can learn the CSS better. /% %%rollboxright %%center __Roll Right /% /% {{{ %%add-css /* add a new %~%rollboxright style */ .rollboxright { display:block; background: lightgreen; width:50%; padding:1em; transition: all .2s ease-in-out; } .rollboxright:hover { transform: scale(2) rotate(30deg); } /* change existing style of header & footer */ .header, .footer { background-image:url([Textures/dotted-dark-pink-canvas-1200x1093.jpg]); } /% }}} %%add-css /* add a new %~%rollboxright style */ .rollboxright { display:block; background: lightgreen; width:50%; padding:1em; transition: all .2s ease-in-out; } .rollboxright:hover { transform: scale(2) rotate(30deg); } /* change existing style of header & footer */ .header, .footer { background-image:url([Textures/dotted-dark-pink-canvas-1200x1093.jpg]); } /% ---- [#1] CSS that is put in the LeftMenu page are propagated to all the pages of your site. See [LeftPage on this JSPWiki Doc|https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Add%20CSS%20Style|target='_blank'] for more info.